Mar 11, 2023Liked by Dustin Broadbery

I enjoyed your article very much.

I hope it is OK, I have some thoughts relating to this topic.

I am asking what is the division between within and without after all? We impact the field and change the world around us by the frequency of our thoughts and it is well said that the world is a mirror to ourself.

So is there really a battle? What is the drama except the depth of the illusion driving this apparent separation? It is another form of self discovery that has only one resolution. As you may say Brahman discovering itself. All is just that after all.

However this implies evolution, self discovery, growth and consider that we may be here now on this density because we have been self destructive, that we have denied our divinity in ourselves, and that we are in process of returning to source.

So there is a problem if there is a degree of stuckness on the part of humanity, as elucidated by such as

The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary. Servitude by Étienne de la Boétie, written 1552-53.

Showing that it is just complacency that allows the elite to rule in tyranny of the masses.


then surely we can ask if the crisis we face is the shock we have to have to shift us out of this natural complacency and into a more integrated society in tune with the unified order we belong to. ?

Surely we only need to awaken to our true selves.? But if we are stuck in a complacent somnambulance then we have come up against our own shadow, and it is a crisis of our own making that we need to face? To cease denying the divinity with us?

As you say –

“As an elixir to these dark times, the light of Vedic philosophy shines through the cracks of a scorched earth and illuminates a path to liberation by showing us that every point of creation, no matter how arbitrary, contains the whole of creation and that we can access every vector of life by accessing our true selves. “

Moving forward we could well imagine a world that is in harmony with the universal truth “We do unto others as we would have done unto ourselves:”

living and being in sympathy with this truth implies integration with all.

This is the world we can awaken to if we connect with our higher self and vibrate with the frequency of love.

It is who we truly are.

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I may need to re-read this third part, which didn't quite resonate with me in the same way that the earlier two articles did. But an awesome essay nonetheless, and the points where I'd quibble are simply because of having more familiarity with (Theravadan) Buddhist understanding of samsara, and how the wheel is kept spinning round.

The process was explained by Gautama in the Paṭiccasamuppāda Sutta and known familiarly as the theory of dependent origination. One rendition of the Sutta is this one: https://suttacentral.net/sn12.1/en/bodhi

A supreme irony, a couple of years ago, was to 'attend' via Zoom a teaching by Bhikkhu Bodhi - the scholar who has translated great swathes of the Pali Canon (including the link above). He was very evidently, as a typical New Yorker I guess, wholly sold on the notion that the Cronyvirus was deadly and that the only hope was to follow the advice of the esteemed Dr Fauci, who he named specifically and with warmth. Many other religious leaders (and academics) blundered down this same path.

Anyway: the process of dependent origination is illustrated in the outer ring of the bhavacakka illustration shown at the top of part 1. The fearsome creature that holds the wheel is Mara, death. (Maya, by the way, was the name of Gautama's mother, apparently.)

But the essential principle, as you've captured so very well in Pt. 1, is the 'looping' character of our self-delusions, and how these are set spinning or gather added momentum due to malicious narratives and deployment of power (as outlined in Pt. 2).

How do some people resist this more succesfully than others, I wonder? There's a whole other essay there..!

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